

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: There is a lot more paper work in run- ning Chevalier than may be apparent to readers. You could help us a lot by realizing that when you have several thousand cards there are bound to be duplications of first and lastnames metimes even in the same city. Change of femme name, address, due hecessitates changing it on four different cards if you are an FPE member and two if you're not. Sometimes readers change names and/or addresses without advising us of the fact. This leads to mailing to a wrong, number and the package being returned. When this happens the reshipping postage is charged to the reader. Postage amounts to about 8% of the price of Chevalier items which is a large percentage in any business, but 16% is impossible. Changes without notification also lead to a lot of detective work trying to find out who someone really is, etc. Please give us a break. We are literally overwhelmed by details as it is.


PLEASE READ: We provide information to you readers on every matter that affects you. We only wish you would read things. We are al- ways getting letters asking questions that have been answered in pre- vious issues, ordering things not on the price list, asking when the next issue will be out or what the current one is, asking for COD shipments (we don't make them) or conversely some readers mix FPE and Che- valier money in the same check, or include orders buried in the middle of long letters, or fail to provide a stamped envelope and the $1 fee for CONTACT letters or ask us to give their names to somebody else (we don't) or alternately ask who and how to contact somebody in some city they are going to visit in a couple of weeks (instead of writing far enough ahead and thru CONTACT so they can make their own contacts do NOT provide addresses on request). All of these things and a lot more have been answered, explained, requested in past issues in the Editorial Emanations column. We just CAN'T and therefore WON'T take the time, trouble, and postage to answer these things. You just have to draw the line somewhere.





IDENTIFICATION: Please remember to put your name on the back of pictures and manuscripts or other materials sent in to us. We want to give credit where it is due and usually try to mark things our- selves but sometimes this gets overlooked and then we don't know who to credit with a picture or story. Most of the items marked “Anonymous“ are due to failure to identify although some few are intentional.

VIII. "COVER GIRL" IN ENGLAND: Several issues ago I gave a plug to "Cover Girl" in London as a place where special shoes, corsets,